Thinking outside the box when managing chronic pain

Short on team members? Short on space? Short on time?
Dr James Hunt, Dr Katie Smithers, Dr Hannah Capon and Evie Tummon RVN offer insights into different approaches to offering tailored chronic pain care.
Dr Katie Smitthers shares her journey and tips surrounding setting up her mobile pain clinic based in Wales. A mobile clinic offering a vet- physiotherapist team approach that works out of primary care practices.
Dr James Hunt shares the highs and lows of running a mobile clinic, as well as working at a referral centre, steps towards setting up a set location interventional pain clinic.
Evie Tummon shares tips and tactics to set up an RVN led pain clinic in a practice naive to nurse-run clinics and chronic pain practices.
Dr Hannah Capon shares how she set up a mobile pain clinic with minimal overheads that worked well with primary care practices.
All speakers will share thoughts and advice about their new venture, Canine Arthritis Teleguidance.
Q&As are encouraged at the end of the session
WSAVA Global Pain council representative will briefly introduce the WSAVA Pain Management Certificate at the end of this lecture