14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events
19 Jul 2021

10 sessions you don’t want to miss at LVS!

10 sessions you don’t want to miss at LVS!

 Here at the London Vet Show, variety is a key and providing a wide range of leading CPD is our speciality. Although all of our sessions will be world-class this year, we have picked our top 5 not to be missed sessions for each day. 

Can you find the joy in first opinion practice? Want some tips on surgical management of haemoabdomen and using blocks? Or are you interested in the benefits and risks of screening bloodwork? Then look no further, day 1 of the London Vet Show is the place for you.  

Beginning with one of our expert panels, come along to clasp their enthusiasm for working as a vet in first opinion practices. If you’re already feeling super enthusiastic then explore the approaches to identifying, stabilising and surgical management of haemoabdoemn with key speakers from the Royal Veterinary College and Washington State University. Next on our list is Nigel Woodford, Recognised European Specialist Equine Surgeon discussing the challenging environment of ambulatory practice. 

Check out Dr Tamara Grubb’s step-by-step video demonstration of local blocks and identify new local anaesthetic blocks to incorporate into your current protocols. You’ll be leaving this with more nerve than ever to go and do some blocks. The benefits and risks of screening bloodwork are then presented, recognising the importance of interpreting clinical pathology tests.  To finish off the first day why not join the Medical Mystery Tour- we won’t give too much away but it is always very popular each year so come along and see David Church present his magic.  

Don't worry, we are not finished yet!

Day 2 presents a whole new realm of content focusing on you and your clients. We all make mistakes from time to time and Dr Catherine Oxtoby is here to introduce the VDS VetSafe system alongside human factor frameworks. Formed from medicine and aviation, they are designed to see what went wrong. To prevent a mistake leading to surgical site infections, head over to Jessica Gilby’s session identifying the main causes of infections and the latest prevention protocols. We could not go without adding some top choices from our exciting ‘More than one option series’ - starting with ‘Acute hindlimb collapse in the dog’. Elsa Beltran reviews the diagnostic approach and treatment plan for dogs with acute myelopathy, sharing her passion for veterinary neurology.   

Are you feeling like an imposter at work? That you don’t deserve to be where you are or that it’s only down to luck? This is imposter syndrome and it’s prevalent in the veterinary profession. Each and every one of you deserve to be where you are. Overcome that self-doubt by joining Daniella and Niall in sharing their personal experience and delving into why those feelings gravitate to our minds. Our last pick was decided from our understanding that many clients have a deep emotional connection to their pet and euthanasia decisions can one of the hardest choices to make. To equip you with the best support strategies, Zoe Belshaw will be sharing the importance of supporting clients in their decision and different ways to assess the quality of life.  

That marks the end of just some of our top picks which we cannot wait for you all to enjoy and we have only scratched the surface of what’s on! – Let us know what top 5 sessions you are most looking forward to by tagging us @vetshow #vetshows across your social media. 


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