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30 Apr 2020

3 things to learn from PLH Medical’s Covid-19 response

3 things to learn from PLH Medical’s Covid-19 response

While much of the media is focusing on what isn’t happening in the world due to the coronavirus pandemic, PLH Medical seems to be as busy as ever before. Jump onto any PLH Medical social media feed and you’ll find it jam-packed with activity, providing reassurance to their customer across the UK.

PLH Medical, who supply a wide range of X-Ray imaging equipment to veterinary practices, have continued to deliver critical supplies to practices nationwide since lockdown restrictions were put in place. With their core value being to provide uncompromising customer service – it’s no surprise that their commitment to fulfilling orders has remained high. However, it’s their quick response on their outward facing communication channels such that have really shown business best practices.

Here’s what we can learn from PLH Medical’s Covid-19 response:

1. Be consistent

At the start of the lockdown period, many businesses sent “We are here for you” message. However, many have since gone quiet. PLH Medical were also early to update their website, database and communication channels and they have continued to do so throughout the crisis. They are continuously reassuring their customers on their website, blog, social media and emails that they are following government guidelines and taking necessary measures to ensure a high level of service and safety for their employees and customers.

2. Be flexible

Every veterinary business and supplier have been, or will be, effected by the coronavirus outbreak. However, a company’s ability to execute and maintain change is both internally and externally will put them in the best position when life returns to “normal”. PLH Medical quickly adapted both their business strategy (with features like opening up their tele support to both customer and non-customers for free) and operational practices (working from home) and are now in the position to offer advice to the rest of the veterinary industry via their blog.

3. Be visible

Buying psychology 101: Purchasers will remember how your brand makes them feel, even if it’s not consciously. Whether that is next week or next year – people will remember how you responded to this crisis. PLH Medical have been daily posting updates of their brand varying from their team on the road, providing critical and essential suppliers, as well as branded graphics that reassure their customers that they available to help out.

For more information on PHL Medical, visit https://www.plhmedical.co.uk/

For more veterinary business advice, make sure you are subscribed to Vet Show Academy to receive the recordings of London Vet Show Business theatre 2019: https://london.vetshow.com/access-cpd-on-vet-show-academy-for-free


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