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Portfolio Events
11 May 2018

An interview with Ian Self - Speaker at LVS 2018

An interview with Ian Self - Speaker at LVS 2018
Ian Self

Prof Ian Self BSc BVSc PGCert Vet Ed FHEA CertVA DipECVAA MRCVS will be talking about airway management on the Friday afternoon of this year’s London Vet Show. The session is sponsored by Docsinnovent, and we caught up with Ian to find out more.


Ian is a European and RCVS specialist in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham vet school.


DI: Why are you passionate about airway management?

Ian: Airway management is at the heart of a good anaesthetic. We have limited licensed drugs and the combinations are finite, yet we often forget it's the peri-anaesthetic care, which includes managing an airway,  that contributes more to success or failure than which induction agent we use.


DI: Why should busy vets and nurses care more about this subject?

Ian: There is more to management than 'Which sized tube should I use'. There are many different airway management devices all with their own pros and cons. How and when we place these can make our lives easier or more difficult. Indeed a badly managed airway can be a direct cause of mortality - with simple alterations these problems can mostly be avoided.


DI: What is the one thing you wish the profession would do differently regarding airway management?

Ian: Do it with everything even short procedures, and use all the devices available including capnography.


DI: What do you hope people take away from the lecture?

Ian: Confidence in how to manage airways in a range of circumstances and how to avoid complications.


DI: What experience do you have with using Supraglottic Airway Devices?

Ian: I have used them in a variety of small exotic species, rabbits, cats, and in dogs – where they are useful for repeat (chemotherapy) anaesthetics as well as bronchoscopy procedures.


DI: What is the most important difference v-gel® has made to your daily practice?

Ian: In referral practice it has allowed me to administer and protect airways in cases where it's not usually possible such as bronchoscopy in smaller patients.


DI: What advantages do you think v-gel has over endotracheal tubes and masks?

Ian: Major advantage is the lack of trauma to the larynx and trachea - in patients with fragile airways this can be crucial


DI: Can you give us a quick tip for readers of this interview?

Ian: Buy, use and don't be afraid of a capnograph - it can literally be a life saver.


 “Airway Management in Companion Animal Anaesthesia: What, Why and When?” is on 16-Nov-2018 @ 13:45 - 14:45


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