14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events
15 Aug 2018

Have you ever thought about refurbishing or extending your veterinary practice, or even building a new one?

Have you ever thought about refurbishing or extending your veterinary practice, or even building a new one?
ACD Projects

The chances are it has always seemed too big a project to tackle. That’s where we come in. Not only does ACD Projects offer a free half day consultation on any veterinary building project in the UK, but we are also award winning specialists in the design and project management of practices and animal welfare facilities.

We have been privileged to work on some of the highest profile veterinary buildings in Europe and beyond – including Professor Noel Fitzpatricks’s Oncology and Soft Tissue Centre in the UK, the prestigious ‘Good for Vienna’ rehoming centre in Austria and the ground breaking Crown Vets veterinary hospital in Mumbai.

That doesn’t mean we lose sight of the needs of practices that have to refurbish or build on tight budgets. Obtaining quotes from the best value suppliers and helping you avoid costly mistakes are just some of the areas where we can help you save money. If you have made one of those costly mistakes or been let down by a contractor, then we can help – we also troubleshoot problem builds so you don’t have to struggle on alone trying to find a solution.

Need to maintain business continuity? We develop our building schedules to ensure you experience minimal disruption, reducing the stress of coping with a demanding build while running a practice.

Can’t decide on the best course of action? It’s a common problem, so we often help practice owners decide between multiple options – whether that’s evaluating if it’s feasible to add an extension to house a CT scanner, or convert an abandoned pub into a practice.

Sometimes it’s simply more cost effective and delivers a better end result to convert a starter unit rather than refurbish a tired building. Without knowing how the financials stack up and the lifespan of the buildings involved, those are decisions it’s impossible to make. That’s often when inertia kicks in – it’s simply too complex. Our expertise allows us to to give you the information you need to make those decisions and put your plans into action.

If you would like to know more about ACD Projects you can see plans and photographs of some of our completed projects at www.acdprojects.com. It’s a rich source of ideas and inspiration, as well as showing you some of the projects we have worked on.

Ready for the next steps? Call us to talk through your ideas or book a free half day consultation at your practice. We also attend many veterinary congresses, and this September will be at the Vet Dynamics Congress and BSAVA Scottish congress, as well as the London Vet Show in November, and we would be delighted to meet you at any of these events.

Tel: 01638 560343

Email: enquiries@acdprojects.com

Website: www.acdprojects.com




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