14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events

The Intensobox of Intensovet GmbH

The Intensobox of Intensovet GmbH

The rapid supply of oxygen is the main goal of intensive care. The Intensobox oxygen cage for animals is an intensive care unit for animals and provides the patient with the necessary amount of oxygen in the shortest possible time. The computer-controlled system, in combination with the airtight cage, optimizes the oxygen consumption to the maximum. Sensors automatically regulate oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity, air and floor temperature, thus ensuring maximum safety.

Thanks to its computer-controlled automatic system, the Intensobox oxygen cage regulates everything for your patient: maximum oxygen supply, safe removal of CO₂, optimal humidity. The patient does not need to wear a collar or an annoying nasal probe and can simply relax on the integrated floor heating. By constantly measuring the air values inside the Intensobox, the patient is optimally supplied for faster and more stable recovery.

You can find more information here: https://intensovet.de/en


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