14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events
05 Apr 2018

IVC welcomes professionals back to practice with their 'REFRESH' Programmes

IVC welcomes professionals back to practice with their 'REFRESH' Programmes
The IVC Vet and Nurse Refresh Programmes offer Vets and Nurses a flexible and supportive CPD package to support professionals returning to practice after a career break.

There are huge numbers of qualified and highly-skilled vets and nurses out of practice in the UK and it is essential that these individuals are not lost from the profession. IVC recognise that the transition back into practice life after a career break can be daunting, often delaying or even preventing individuals from returning to work. Ensuring positive and supportive return therefore remains key priority of these Refresh Programmes. 

The IVC Refresh Programmes provide:

1. Structured practice support

2: Access to online learning

3. Attendance at a Clinical workshop

These can be tailor made to meet the development needs and goals of each individual.

‘We hope that through offering a CPD package specifically designed for people who have had a career break, we can promote a positive welcome back into practice and continue to add and enhance skills within the professions’

Feedback from those who have completed the courses has been excellent. They have regained the confidence necessary to relaunch their careers as vets or vet nurses.


For further information on the Refresh Programmes please contact:

Debbie Loding

Recruitment Manager

E: dloding@independentvetcare.co.uk M: 07702 333522

Jen Clarke

Nurse Development Manager

E: jclarke@independentvetcare.co.uk M: 07885 864647

Julie Cayzer

Vet Development Manager

E: jcayzer@independentvetcare.co.uk M: 07739 364850


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