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Portfolio Events
16 Aug 2018

Jurox launches new 'Anaesthesia1ST' newsletter

Jurox (UK) Ltd, manufacturer of the popular anaesthetic Alfaxan®, has further enhanced its investment in educational initiatiatives with the launch of its innovative new newsletter ‘Anaesthesia1ST’.

Anaesthesia1ST is a fortnightly electronic newsletter containing state-of-the-art, practical, easy to read articles, to help veterinary professionals deliver 1ST class anaesthesia for all patients. It will feature informative anaesthesia updates, bulletins and recaps, access to exclusive videos and downloadable resources.


Jurox’s technical advisors will write the Anaesthesia1ST articles in collaboration with leading anaesthesia specialists. These include Carl Bradbrook (European Veterinary Specialist in Anaesthesia and Analgesia and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia) and Ian Self (European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Associate Professor in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham).


The first newsletter launched on 15th May and included articles on ‘Capnography I – not just a load of hot air’; ‘Perspectives on premeds – Alpha-2 agonists’ and ‘What’s new in anaesthesia? Highlights of recent preoxygenation paper’. Articles in future editions will include: ‘Capnography II – what happened to the elephants?’; ‘Pain, what a pain! Local and regional nerve blocks improve outcomes and welfare of patients’; “The Big Chill – temperature management in sedated and anaesthetised patients’ and ‘Perspectives on premeds – a complete series of articles covering the ins and outs of the different agents, how they compare and recommended use in the different patient types’.  While downloadable tools will consist of a capnography cheat-sheet detailing different traces and their meaning, premedication drugs comparison tables and pre and post rabbit anaesthesia check-lists.


Richard Beckwith, country manager of Jurox (UK) Ltd, comments: “We take great pride in our investment in educational initiatives to enable veterinary professionals to deliver best practice anaesthesia to their clients.  The new Anaesthesia1ST newsletter further demonstrates our commitment to educational support resources to enable veterinary professionals to attain and maintain 1ST class anaesthesia for all patients.”


To sign up to the Anaesthesia1ST newsletter click here, visit the Alfaxan website – www.alfaxan.co.uk, contact your local Jurox technical sales representative or email Jurox at info@jurox.co.uk.




Notes to editors


Alfaxan contains alfaxalone 10 mg/ml. Legal category: POM-V. Alfaxan is a trademark of Jurox Pty Limited, Rutherford, NSW 2320, Australia. Further information is available on request from Jurox (UK) Limited Company, Richmond House, Second Floor, 105 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1DD. Tel 01293 510681.


Jurox (UK) Limited launched in the UK in 2013 to support and underline its commitment to the field of veterinary anaesthesia. The young, dynamic UK arm of Jurox Pty Australia, one of Australia’s most innovative animal health companies, is taking a refreshing and novel approach to developing its business by putting customer support and service at the heart of everything it does.

The family-owned company has a number of field-based veterinary surgeons, as well as a team of account managers, who deliver comprehensive educational initiatives for health care professionals on the subject of anaesthesia and provide help, advice and support for clinics wishing to perform best practice anaesthesia across all patient groups. Jurox invests heavily in training for its friendly and approachable team to fully support clients and raise veterinary anaesthesia standards in practice.


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