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Portfolio Events
10 Oct 2018

Optimizing Patient Care: 'Did We Do Enough?

Optimizing Patient Care: 'Did We Do Enough?
Optimizing Patient Care

As a veterinarian, your patients can’t speak, the days are hectic, and beloved family members’ lives are in your hands. The question many veterinary teams ask themselves on a regular basis is, “Did we do enough?”.


At Smart Flow, our goal is the same as that of our veterinary colleagues: to make patient care the utmost priority.  Using technology and workflow optimization tactics, we are helping veterinary clinics around the world make their patient's experience in the hospital the best it can be, whether it's for a vaccine appointment or an emergency surgery.  Yes, of course we love helping vets, but even more so, we love helping the animals they treat on a daily basis.


How do we do this?

1. Getting rid of paper

The life of many veterinary staff members is full of printing, scanning, and attaching paper files.  Imagine the time it would free up to spend with patients if they didn’t have to do this!  Because everything in Smart Flow is based “in the cloud” as opposed to a paper clipboard, scanning is eliminated and the veterinarian is able to access patient records any time, anywhere.

Getting rid of paper

2. Making surgery less stressful

Bringing a pet in for surgery is nerve wracking for pet owners, and our aim is to make both the surgical monitoring AND the client update processes seamless.   With Smart Flow, a receptionist simply has to look at their computer screen for a real-time update on any patient in the hospital, eliminating the need to put the client on hold.  Plus, by using a digital anesthetic sheet, every patient’s vitals are meticulously kept up to date, reducing human error and allowing the nurse to focus on the patient (not the paper).


 3. Ensuring everyone gets their meds on time

It’s not uncommon in a busy veterinary hospital for things can get a little behind. We want to make things easier for busy vet nurses, while ensuring that the patients in their care receive their required treatments on time. Instead of a plastic whiteboard, Smart Flow clinics use a digital TV display which shows in real time which patients are due for treatments. This not only makes the team’s daily work infinitely easier, it also improves the patient care for every pet in the hospital.

Ensuring everyone gets their meds on time

Being part of a veterinary team is a true commitment.  For those with the passion, heart, and empathy it takes to survive in this field, we salute you.  To the clients who place their trust in veterinarians every day, we thank you.  And to the patients who inspire us to keep improving, we hope we do you proud. In short, our goal at Smart Flow is to help in every case to make the answer to “Did we do enough?” an unabashed “Yes”.


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