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Portfolio Events
20 Sep 2018

Premium natural supplements company Lintbells says Mobility Matters to pets

Premium natural supplements company Lintbells says Mobility Matters to pets
Mobility Matters

Lintbells champions nurse clinics with Mobility Matters

Lintbells relaunches the Mobility Matters initiative this October and it will run all the way through to early 2019. The practice support pack, which facilitates the setting up of nurse clinics for pets with stiff joints, has been expanded to support cats.

It’s a programme that generates results. After it ran in practices in late 2017 and early 2018, 96% of vet professionals agreed or strongly agreed that they were now managing mobility issues more effectively in practice and 90% thought client compliance had increased as a result of introducing Mobility Matters.*

Adding support materials addressing the specific needs of cats will increase the scope significantly. Cats that have become more sedentary often suffer from stiff joints and the signs go largely unrecognised by many cat owners.

Mobility Matters contains all the elements practices need to improve owner education and awareness, as well as set up dedicated veterinary nurse clinics where detailed advice can be given about how best to support pets’ mobility.

A guide book takes the practice through all the steps they need to put in place to operate a Mobility Matters nurse clinic, making it much easier and quicker to introduce as a new service. Lintbells also supplies a flip chart that helps nurses take clients through all the essential information, as well as display materials that allow vets to signpost clients to the clinic.

Training is a key component of the programme. A Lintbells Veterinary Business Development Executive delivers staff training as a ‘Lunch and Learn’ or schedules a time that works best for the practice. Completion of the course results in a Mobility Matters certificate being awarded, as well as a Mobility Matters “Practice Champion” pin and an accreditation window sticker.

At the London Vet Show Lintbells will have the Mobility Matters materials on display and practices can sign up to receive a free pack. With fireworks and the festive season on the horizon Lintbells will also be focusing on YuCALM Cat, a premium supplement to restore a sense of wellbeing without causing drowsiness or otherwise altering the expression of natural behaviours. The YuCALM range also comes with free supporting materials, including a brand-new educational guide on cat behaviour.

Practices that want to find out more or receive a Mobility Matters pack can visit Lintbells on stand R52 at the show, or contact Lintbells on 01462790886 or email vet@lintbells.com.

*Results are based on 50 survey respondents including veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and practice managers, Jan/Feb 2018.


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