14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events
13 Jul 2020

Review: Vet Show Global Series

Review: Vet Show Global Series

Thousands of veterinary professional have been gathering online on Wednesday evenings (BST) to gain CPD and learn from leading veterinary educators throughout the Vet Show Global Series which ran weekly from mid-June until Wednesday 8th July.

Although Vet Show Global Series is now complete, the recordings of all five sessions are available to watch on-demand on Vet Show Academy, and the Vet Show team promise there’s more live CPD webinars on the horizon.  

Charlotte Ellicott, Head of Marketing and Content for the Vet Show portfolio, said: “The Vet Shows are first and foremost a platform to educate the veterinary profession. We know it’s been a stressful few months for everyone and we wanted to use our networks to help the global vet community during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are thrilled with the response to our first live, digital education offering. Engaging speakers, live-streamed presenting high-quality CPD and broken down into digestible, weekly installments has resonated with our American and European audiences.”

The first four weeks hosted leading veterinary educators Jill Maddison, Khusheed Mama and David Church presenting the very latest in veterinary medicine updates, and also Bryden Stanley with a cutting-edge (excuse the pun) surgery lecture. The fifth installment, and epic conclusion, to the Series saw a change of pace with a lively panel of “COVID experts” presenting practical practice advice for veterinary teams. Speakers from the UK, US and Australia gathered to present their unique experiences over the past few months and offer advice and best practices when it comes to service at a distance.

“Each live webinar of the Series was well attended and we’ve received amazing feedback. We are now hosting the sessions on Vet Show Academy (our digital learning archive) for anyone who couldn’t attend the live recordings. We have also already lined-up our next round of exciting, live CPD webinars! Starting with a canine gastrointestinal disease update with Nick Bexfield, and co-hosted with Protexin, on Wednesday 21 July,” said Ellicott.

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