20-21 NOVEMBER 2025

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Vet Show 30 Under Thirty : The future looks bright

Vet Show 30 Under Thirty : The future looks bright
An outstanding cohort of veterinary professionals spanning all different roles within the industry joined us at the London Vet Show to celebrate their success of being named 2023 30 Under Thirty.


The inspiring ceremony presented by Rory Cowlam, TV Vet & Author, and was kicked off with celebratory speeches from Harry Norman, Group Show Director of the London Vet Show and Hayley Walsh, Business Development Executive at Pioneer Veterinary Products.

The atmosphere in the theatre was electric as the new Thirty Under 30 were not only joined by family, friends, and colleagues, but the 2022 Thirty Under 30 cohort, collectively truly epitomising the incredibly future of veterinary.

Speaking of the future, it doesn’t stop there for our cohort, they’ll now continue to represent the Thirty Under 30, with exclusive opportunities with Pioneer and London Vet Show throughout 2024, alongside their own personal goals and achievements.

We caught up with some of the cohort since the ceremony to reflect on thier nominations and to hear what's in store for them in 2024!

Samantha Profile“As someone who entered the veterinary world as an under-dog, I never imagined I would be nominated for such an accolade! I started life as a VCA, occasionally dipping my toes into new areas that eventually became niche areas of responsibility within my role. I am humbled by my colleagues who not only took the time to support my development within the field, but then went out of the way to recognise my achievements. 

Coming from an educational background, I am no stranger to a conference environment, but LVS was on a different scale! I loved watching industry professionals getting up and speaking about their passions and seeing them light a fire in their audiences! As an industry, we are capable of great change, and I feel privileged to be in a position to watch this unfold.  I felt like a deer in headlights during the ceremony, still not entirely sure why or what I had possibly done to sit amongst such talented professionals. It was so wonderful to share the occasion with such close colleagues and friends, who have been unwavering in their support through my veterinary carer. Meeting my fellow 30U30 was so lovely, being able to celebrate not only this thing that brings us together but helps us stand proud in what we have achieved.”                                                                                                                               

Samantha Lympany-Tier   

MSc ClinicalAnimal Behaviour BSc(Hons) Behaviour and Welfare, PTLLS, PBSS, FAQMHFA

Education and Development Officer & Pet Bereavement and Emotional Support Advisor



Natasha"This next year will be exciting, as there is lots in the pipeline for me; I am hoping to publish my thesis, and work with some incredible industry professionals to integrate patient emotional welfare into practice. I am also hoping to work with some fantastic organisations to really recognise the role of the VCA, and how they can contribute and advocate for animal welfare. Lastly, because I like to be busy, I hope to start my own behaviour clinics and get out into the veterinary community more to speak."

Natasha Clark

BVMedSci (Hons) BVM BVS MPhil MRCVS |

Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Researcher & PhD Student 


To keep up to date with the 30 Under Thirty, keep an eye on our Vet Show newsletters, where they’ll be featured and sharing their achievements, work and ideas through out the year.

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