Alex Hawkins
RCVS & EBVS® European Specialist in Equine Surgery, Lecturer in Equine Surgery,
Royal Veterinary College
Alex graduated from the University of Bristol in 2015 with a Bachelors (BVSc) in Veterinary Science as well as having intercalated and graduated in 2013 with a Bachelors (BSc with First Class Honours) in Pathology & Microbiology. He then worked briefly for 6 months for the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) charity. Following this, he relocated to Florida, United States, to successfully complete an 18 month rotating internship in a busy, private equine hospital (Equine Medical Center of Ocala) in the "horse capital of the world", Ocala. He then returned back to the UK and undertook an ambulatory role in a first opinion equine practice based in Surrey for a further 2 years. After this, he then completed a 3 year specialist Senior Clinical Training Scholarship in Equine Surgery and simultaneously obtained a Masters in Veterinary Medicine (MVetMed) at the Royal Veterinary College finishing in June 2022. He then moved to a private equine hospital for 6 months in Leicestershire before returning back to the Royal Veterinary College as a Staff Clinician in Equine Surgery in January 2023. He then became a Lecturer in Equine Surgery in February 2024 after having successfully passed the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) specialist board examinations, thereby becoming an RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Equine Surgery. He is interested in all aspects of Equine Surgery (particularly minimally invasive surgery), as well as lameness and poor performance investigations.
14-Nov-2024RVC Equine Theatre 1Diagnostic approach to soft tissue injuries of the pastern and digital flexor tendon sheath
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14-Nov-2024RVC Equine Theatre 2Emergencies and injuries in the competition horse