Anna Judson
Senior Vice President,
Anna Judson is the current BVA President. A graduate of Liverpool Vet School, her veterinary career has included ownership of both mixed and small animal practice in rural mid Wales. Under her leadership, her teams have gained Investors in People and RCVS Practice Standards Scheme accreditations, as well as VNTP status (Veterinary Nurse Training Practice status). She is a Past President of SPVS (the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons), has a MSc in Nature Conservation and has led UK-wide veterinary sustainability initiatives.
14-Nov-2024BVA CongressPractise what you preach: Reaching net zero is a team effort
14-Nov-2024BVA CongressHOT TOPIC: Beyond the box, animal welfare in pig and poultry confinement systems
15-Nov-2024BVA CongressWooldridge Memorial Lecture: Companion animal parasiticides and biodiversity: the crucial role of vets