Graham Hunter
RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Equine Surgery (Orthopaedics) Equine Regional Head (East),
Lingfield Equine Vets
Graham joined Ardene House Veterinary Practice, Aberdeen in 1990, following graduation from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh. Originally undertaking small animal, farm and equine work in all three departments of this large practice, he rapidly dropped small animal and farm to work solely in the equine department. In 2009, Graham was appointed as an RCVS examiner for the Certificate in Equine Practice and continued in this position for 5 years. Although interested in all aspects of equine medicine and surgery, his focus and passion over recent years has very much been on lameness, gait analysis and surgery cases.
Over the years he has held many roles including VetTrust Director, extensive World Horse Welfare charity work, Joint Measurement Board Official Measurer and judge for British Breeding Futurity gradings. Graham works for the NHS, representing the equine industry in antibiotic prescribing stewardship. He has also done a significant amount of lecturing to horse clients and vets at Congress and professional development meetings. Graham is currently an Equine Group Veterinary Advisor at IVC Evidensia, providing expert support to the group and its equine practices.
15-Nov-2024BVA Equine TheatreDown but not out: Navigating the care of the sick, collapsed foal in first opinion veterinary practice
15-Nov-2024BVA Equine TheatreBent legs, swollen joints and other anomalies in the lame neonatal foal
15-Nov-2024BVA Equine TheatreThe sick mare after foaling
15-Nov-2024BVA Equine TheatreSurgery: Castration in the field. How not to balls it up