Julia Shrubb
Equine Veterinary Surgeon,
Three Counties Equine Hospital
Julia qualified from Cambridge Vet School in 2007. Following an equine internship at Cambridge, she worked at Ashbrook Equine Hospital in Cheshire for the next 15 years. She moved to Three Counties Equine Hospital in Gloucesteshire earlier this year. Julia is a RCVS Advanced Veterinary Practioner in Equine Medicine and is very passionate about responsible and sustainable anthemintic use. Julia is a member of the core-steering group of CANTER, a member of BEVA Anthelmintic Working Group and a lead of ProjectWorms. Julia is the current VetPartners Equine Clinical Board chair.
15-Nov-2024BVA Equine TheatreDe-worm or not to de-worm: That is the question