Liz Mullineaux
Liz is a 1988 ‘Dick vet’ graduate with a varied career in small and large animal first opinion practice. For many years she was a co-owner of a small animal Veterinary Hospital in Somerset. Alongside this role, she successfully completed a Clinical Doctorate which ultimately led to RCVS Specialist status in Wildlife Medicine (Mammalian). Immediately prior to her BVA role she worked in a variety of British wildlife related roles, including as an advisor to a large wildlife rescue charity and in academic teaching, as well as for a small animal emergency service. Liz is a Past President of the British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS) and a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
14-Nov-2024RVC Clinical Theatre 1BVA President's address
14-Nov-2024BVA Career DevelopmentGoing wild, the role of vets in conservation
14-Nov-2024BVA CongressWhat's the role of risk-based preventive health care within a contextualised care framework?
15-Nov-2024BVA CongressContextualised care: Pragmatic solution or revolutionary approach?
15-Nov-2024BVA CongressCompetition & Markets Authority update and Q&A
15-Nov-2024BVA CongressHOT TOPIC: CMA Investigation: Exploring potential outcomes and implications