Louise Welsh
Head Critical Care RVN,
Royal Veterinary College
Louise graduated in 2012 after working in first opinion practice. Shortly after this Louise completed both her Vets Now ECC certificate, followed by her Advanced Nursing Diploma. Louise moved to the Royal Veterinary College in 2014 to work in the Emergency and Critical Care department. In 2016 she became a senior ECC nurse, before stepping up into the role of Head Critical Care nurse in 2020. Louise has published articles, delivered lectures and also worked for 5 years as a course tutor on the Vets Now ECC certificate. Louise is particularly interested in the holistic nursing care of critically ill patients and is passionate about the veterinary nurse role.
14-Nov-2024RVC Nursing TheatreEmergency stabilisation techniques
14-Nov-2024RVC Nursing TheatreEmergency database bloods