Mark Dunning
Professor and a RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist,
Small Animal Internal Medicine
Mark qualified from Cambridge and after a few years in practice completed a PhD in Neuroscience and a Residency in Small Animal Medicine back at the University. Mark then spent 4 years in private specialist practice in the south of England before moving to Nottingham Vet School. He is currently Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine and a RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Mark joined Willows Referral Service in 2018 and is currently Head of Internal Medicine. Mark remains actively involved in both undergraduate and post-graduate teaching. Mark regularly lectures and delivers practical courses on small animal endoscopy both at the University, and in private and corporate practice. A key goal of this teaching is to enable delegates to find and get through the pylorus panic free!
14-Nov-2024Gallery Suite 5Endoscopy Q+A (with on-stand demos throughout LVS that will be bookable) - Area B