There are 3,070 parking spaces available at ExCeL, London on a first come, first serve basis. Parking for up to 24 hours is £25 in the orange car park (under the main venue) and the east car park (when in use). Parking in the Royal Victoria multi-storey car park is £25 for up to 24 hours. Motorcycles can park free of charge in the designated motorcycle parking area in the upper-level orange car park, zone 3.
If you’re using satellite navigation please enter the postcode E16 1FR for the entrance to the car park.
You can also use the what3words app or go to the website, and enter the three word address ///expect.likes.eager for car park entrance. For more information on what3words, please click here.
The parking map for the orange car park can be found here. Please note that the access to the car park is only via Royal Victoria Dock Road or the A112.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) includes ExCeL London. Please visit to check whether your vehicle is subject to ULEZ charge.