14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events


  • Letter
    • L
  • Jane Ladlow

    Jane Ladlow

    Veterinary Specialist, Granta Veterinary Specialists
  • Sara Lawrence Mills

    Sara Lawrence Mills

    Senior Clinical Training Fellow in Anaesthesia, Royal Veterinary College
  • Karla Lee

    Karla Lee

    Head of soft tissue surgery, Hamilton Specialist Referrals
  • Jeff Lermer

    Jeff Lermer

    Founder, Jeff Lermer and Associates
  • Vicky Lipscomb

    Vicky Lipscomb

    Professor of Small Animal Surgery, Royal Veterinary College
  • Loni Loftus

    Loni Loftus

    Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Lecturer in Clinical Animal Behaviour, Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
  • Fiona Lovatt

    Fiona Lovatt

    RCVS Recognised specialist in sheep health and production, Flock Health Ltd
  • Virginia Luis Fuentes

    Virginia Luis Fuentes

    Professor of Veterinary Cardiology, The Royal Veterinary College
  • Nicola Lynch

    Nicola Lynch

    Equine Surgeon, Hawthorns Equine Ltd.

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