14-15 NOVEMBER 2024

Portfolio Events

Become A Sponsor

As organisers, we only have one thing on mind for our exhibitors: making sure you have a successful show and that you come back to us time and time again!

Discover our incredible sponsorship and advertising opportunities available, and find the perfect fit for your brand. 

Become an Event Partner

Platinum Event Partner

A truly high profile partnership for the exhibition elite who invest over £25,000 in sponsorship. They will benefit from all of the Silver perks, all of the Gold perks AND all of the below:

  • Logo on all onsite signage in the most prominent location
  • Logo will be on the front page of the Show Guide, the most visible place for visitors to see your brand
  • Logo on show advertisements in digital, print and online
  • Enhanced Show Guide Listing

Gold Event Partner

Invest £17,500 or more in sponsorship and you will be one of a limited number of Gold Partners. Gold partners will receive all of the Silver Partner benefits plus the following:

  • Prominent logo position on selected signage
  • A Web Banner Advert on our website
  • Enhanced Exhibitor Listing on our online exhibitor list
  • One-off 3rd party access to our postal database

Silver Event Partner

Any exhibitor who supports our event by investing over £12,500 on sponsorship will automatically become a Silver Partner. Silver Partners benefit from the following at no additional cost:

  • Logo on appropriate on-site signage
  • Logo on Sponsors page of our Show Guide
  • Linked Logo on over 250,000 emails to veterinary professionals
  • Logo on all printed collateral, we produce over 400,000 print pieces a year

Print Advertising

Insert in Delegate Badge Mailing

This is a great profile a key time. The UK badges are posted 2 - 3 weeks prior to the show when every vet is thinking about their visit to the London Vet Show. Make sure your exhibition stand is on our visitors’ shopping list so they choose you, and not your competitor to buy from.

Circulation: Every registered delegate
Space Reserved By: 1 September 
Artwork Due: 18 September 

Preliminary Show Guide Insert

  • High profile with just one produced every year
  • Limited opportunities for inserts means maximum exposure

Circulation: 12,000 printed and digital copies
Space Reserved By: 22 May
Artwork Due: 1 June

Enhanced Show Guide Listing

Standout from the competition with the time tested enhanced listing. This includes a 100 words listing, your logo, and a border around the listing to make it easier to spot by vets.

Circulation: Every registered delegate
Space Reserved By: 28 August
Artwork Due: 4 September 

Official Show Guide Advert

Reinforce your sales messages, drive traffic to your stand, and set yourself apart from the competition with year round exposure!

View the advertising options

Circulation: Every registered delegate
Space Reserved By: 28 August
Artwork Due: 4 September 

Conference Opportunities

Deliver your own programmed session

Educate vets directly with your own speaker and topic, this is your time to shine!
Promoted thoroughly to help you make the most of your investment:

Exhibitor Showcase 

New product or service? Book a time to talk to vets about why you have created it.

  • 1 hour time slot
  • Capacity: 30

Referral Stream

A dedicated conference stream for referral practices to showcase their expertise. Use this to generate new referrals from first opinion practitioners.

Hands-on workshop

A room that is available for hire in 1/2 day slots to allow enough time for detailed hands-on sessions to be delivered.

  • 1/2 day time slot
  • Capacity: 28


Gallery Room 

  • 1 hour/half day/full day time slots available
  • Capacity: 80

Gallery Suite

  • 1/2 day/full day time slots available
  • Capacity: 180

Sponsor of main programme session

Align your brand with the key and topical messages within the main programme. You can be the sponsor of an RVC or BVA programmed session, or pick a session in our Business Theatre and show our visitors that you support something important to the vet industry.

  • Data from those who attend the session - all of our processes are GDPR compliant, so data is safe to be passed onto you after the show
  • Branding on all programme collateral
  • Supporting industry and message alignment pushing you to the top of vets’ minds

Brand Awareness


Show your support for the industry by providing notebooks to the London Vet Show conference-goers
  • Pads can be branded so our visitors know who is supporting them
  • Turn that brand awareness into a busy stand
  • Placed into every delegate bag

Delegate Lanyards

  • Your brand goes around every visitors neck to hold their badge
  • Every visitor will see your branding countless times during the show on themselves and other vets


  • Only one sponsored pen will be placed into our show bags and it could be yours
  • Pens can be branded so use this opportunity to make sure they recognise your business
  • Turn that recognition into a busy stand

Reusable Water Bottle Sponsorship

  • Branded reusable water bottles given to every visitor, colour matched to suit sponsor.
  • Unique opportunity for one company
  • Sponsors also receives a water dispenser FOC to their stand.

Branded Theatre Scanning Staff

  • Provide branded uniforms for the scanning staff
  • To get into a theatre a delegate must be scanned so every visitor will see scanning staff countless times during their time at the show
  • Use this brand recognition to generate interest and a busy stand

Delegate Bags

  • When they come into the show, every vet is given a show bag which they then carry around the show for two days and take back to their practice with them
  • This is a high profile and continual promotional tool you can use to promote a new product

Delegate Bag Inserts

  • Time tested tool to raise your company’s profile among our vets
  • Every delegate is handed a bag containing your inserts on entry to the show so you can be sure of mass impact
  • Limited number means good effectiveness, just 20 inserts from 450 exhibitors ensures good ROI

Delegate Badges

  • Brand the badges of every delegate at the show
  • High profile as every single visitors has to have a badge so has to see your logo!

Floorplan Handout

  • Page after page of advertising space for the sponsor to generate maximum profile
  • The only handheld map of the show so a cherished item by our delegates, they keep hold of it which means continued branding for you, the sponsor
  • Combine advertising with messaging to turn a unique opportunity into new revenue

Hanging Banner

  • Your chance to hang a banner above your exhibition space at the show
  • Use this to stand out from afar, making your location easier to see from different parts of the show floor

Theatre Holding Slides

  • Your slides to run during breaks in lectures
  • Sold per theatre so you can target the most relevant audience for your business

Digital Opportunities

Delegate eNewsletter

  • Sent monthly to our veterinary distribution list of 12,000 people
  • Great way to share your messaging or updates with the industry

Web Banner

  • A web banner on london.vetshow.com
  • Over 330,000 page visits in 2019 and 44,000 unique visitors
  • Banners are shown on every page so a thorough way to promote yourself on one of the busiest veterinary websites in the UK.

Vet Show Select

  • Exclusive email sent to our database
  • Held within our email template so your advert is co-branded
  • Great message sharing and promotional tool to a targeted audience

Sponsorship of Badge Email

  • Email sent to all registered visitors 3 days before the show
  • Key time for communication with vets as they are thinking about their time at the show
  • Use this to create interest and turn that into sales

Sponsorship of Delegate Registration Email

  • When a vet registers for the show they are sent an email confirmation. We will have over 5,800 at our show this year so that’s a lot of emails!
  • The email sponsor will have 100 words and a logo on this email so every vet who registers will see your message and branding before the show.
  • Use this to raise awareness in the run-up to the show and turn that into new sales during the exhibition.


  • Within the LVS app, it allows you to highlight any special offers or discounts.
  • Includes up to 30 words and an image
  • App users will be able to swipe and put into a special basket on the app to remind them to visit your stand and you will be provided the data post-show of everyone that said yes.

Use of LVS data for 1 email (3rd party access)

  • Design your own html and we will send it to our database
  • London Vet Show database is one of the most up-to-date available so your email will reach as many people as possible

Sponsorship of Badge Email

  • Email sent to all registered visitors 3 days before the show
  • Key time for communication with vets as they are thinking about their time at the show
  • Use this to create interest and turn that into sales

Exhibition Opportunities

Seating Areas

  • 3 seating areas located in key strategic areas so as many vets as possible see them
  • Seating areas are busy and popular, so very high profile for your brand
  • Design the seating area as you see fit, making it your own

Washroom Sponsorship

  • Brand the main washrooms used for the show
  • High profile in an area where every delegate is sure to visit!
  • Exclusive opportunity meaning you standout above all other businesses by doing this

Speakers Lounge

  • Get your company in front of high profile, key opinion leaders
  • Great for new products or new companies to promote themselves to industry leaders

Perimeter Carpet Around Stand

  • Give your stand a special feel for very little outlay
  • Make your stand seem bigger and more inviting

Exclusive & High Profile Opportunities

Delegate Catering Area

  • Exclusive branding of the only catering area in the show
  • Larger than ever before to accommodate more vets, meaning a better branding opportunity for you
  • Each of our delegates will collect their free lunch here, so great visibility for your new product or your business
  • A very high profile and prestigious option

Registration Area – Single

  • Only two entrances available
  • Every visitor will have to enter the show through one entrance or another so the opportunity is very high profile
  • Fantastic opportunity to promote a new product

Delegate Hospitality Area

  • Your opportunity to run a hospitality area for our visitors generating substantial traffic by providing nice food, drinks and entertainment
  • If you are interested in doing sometime like this, please get in touch and we can talk about your objectives

London Vet Show Mobile App

  • Sponsor the only app to help vets navigate the show, the content and their time at the London Vet Show
  • High profile and current sponsorship available to just one sponsor

Maximise Footfall

Voucher Book Entry

  • A printed A5 voucher booklet containing offers from the exhibition floor
  • Use this to run a competition or similar incentive to drive people to your stand
  • Delegates are aware of the offers in this booklet and look out for it each year, a cost effective way to drive people to your stand

Floorwalkers Licence

  • As an exhibitor, talking to delegates is restricted to the confines of your stand but this allows you free roam
  • Move around the show handing out leaflets, talking to delegates in the aisles and having the freedom to bring them over to your main stand

Passport Competition Sponsor

  • Be one of just 15 sponsors who benefit from the significant footfall generated by being a passport sponsor
  • Delegates enter this competition by visiting each sponsor’s stand
  • The prize is a £12,000 holiday of a lifetime, so it’s a prize worth winning and the vets love it
  • By far our best stand-alone tool to make your exhibition a busy one


  • Simple, effective and clear tool to raise awareness of your company and drive people to your stand
  • 1m x 1m placement for you to design attractive artwork and entice visitors to your stand
  • Can be located in countless locations across the exhibition floor to bring delegates to your stand from all corners of the show


Place your business at the forefront of equine practice

  • Place your business at the forefront of equine practices by sponsoring a session
  • Branding in related areas
  • Pick a session to sponsor that relates to your business and watch the pile of leads grow

Email to Equine Vets

  • Use our email template or send your own html to target our equine vets specifically
  • Promote your existing or upcoming equine range to a key group of prospective customers


Place your business at the forefront of farm vet practices

  • Place your business at the forefront of farm vet practices by sponsoring a session
  • Branding in related areas
  • Pick a session to sponsor that relates to your business and watch the pile of leads grow

Email to Farm Vets

  • Use our email template or send your own html to target our farm vets specifically
  • Promote your existing or upcoming farm species products to a key group of prospective customers

Education Partner

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Media Sponsors

Be the leader of your pack

Be the first to hear the latest news, programme updates and exclusive industry releases.



Global Portfolio

BVA Live

12-13 June 2025

Deutsche Vet

16-17 May 2025

Singapore Vet

25-26 October 2024

Wild West Vet

16-19 October 2024

New York Vet

7-8 November 2024