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At Mars Petcare, we believe that pets truly make the world a better place. That’s why we’re inspired to live our Purpose: A Better World For Pets™, a world where they’re healthy, happy and welcome.
Mano Medical and MDC joined forces with Genia to become GENIA GROUP. Today, the company is a market leader offering solutions to meet all the needs of veterinarians worldwide, from the smallest needle ...
WellionVet - the Austrian veterinary brand Veterinary products for the measurement of blood glucose and ketones Animals suffering from metabolic problems should be professionally cared for. For the c ...
Medical Pet Shirts – For the best recovery a pet can get! At Medical Pet Shirts, we prioritize pet well-being with high-quality, veterinarian-designed recovery wearables. We use safe, breathable, and ...
Medical Store will be showcasing hand held devices like Ophthalmoscope, Laser, Vein Viewer and WIFI Ultrasound Probe Scanner. Medical Store offers woundcare products and other daily used consuma ...
MediCat for non-invasive urine collection. Hydrophobic sand that actually repels the urine allowing easy collection. Environmentally-friendly, sustainably made in the UK. Typical uses of MediCat incl ...